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/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

No.478068601 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous iM@S Thread: >>478041870
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (May 17th): >>478012262

>Archive of >>477992195: archive.is/8mBDS
- SC Anime episode 7 sub: >>478058818
- SC Anime episode 7 end card: >>478044132 >>478058935
- SC Anime episode 7 login bonus: >>478062968
- SC Anime episode 7 mission: >>478063078
- SC Anime BD redeem code rewards: >>478044123
- SC Everyone laugh at this anon (and then praise them for overcoming their mistakes): >>478052616 >>478054959 >>478053472
- GK Skill Card Effects guide: >>478058883
- GK Temari's second single "Ivy" digital release: >>478055756 >>478056196 >>478056745 >>478057486
- GK Temari the pervert: >>478065385
- GK Ume vs Temari: >>478055980 >>478059738
- GK Saki's confession: >>477995507
- GK Kotone's canon heart pupils: >>478026026 >>478048617 >>478050008
- GK Kotone's spinning pupils: >>478050258
- GK Kotone's shorts: >>478026659
- GK Kotone is an honest girl: >>478043056
- GK China briefly stops being an idiot: >>478057757 >>478058368 >>478059124
- GK The Reiwa-era is upon us: >>478051278
- GK Body physics: >>478040460 >>478042801
- VL Cosmo needs Sumika: >>478052341
- VL Manaka needs shoes: >>478052341
- VL Letora needs headphones: >>478052341
- STARLIGHT MASTER HEART TICKER! 07 Watashi Otogibanashi CD on June 19th: >>478058205

May 18th, ??? JST: Hatsuboshi Gakuen Music Club episode 1 on Apple Music: >>478003959 >>478064378
May 18th, 8PM JST: VL Cosmo plays RUKIMIN's Disappointing Adventure! DX ~Shobomi and the Flower Fairy: youtu.be/b0cKZJ2BWuA
May 18th to May 26th: Shiny Colors Anime POP UP SHOP in Tower Records Fukuoka