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/vrsg/ - V Rising general

No.478095840 ViewReplyOriginalReport

V Rising is a top-down ARPG with world pvp, resource collection, and most importantly, PERSONAL CASTLE DECORATION.

Basic 4x weapon loadout for most scenarios (change this around or add/subtract weapons depending on preference):
>[damage dealer] Spear or Pistols - Spear Q damage is THE pvp meta. Both pistol and Spear has great auto-attack dmg output.
>[utility 1] Slashers - Q gives you iframe, very useful for cases where you want to dodge something but don't want to lose your current placement. E does melee stun.
>[utility 2] Axe or Crossbow - Axe E for ranged stun or Crossbow E for silence. Note that stun has DR in pvp.
>[distance manager] Mace or Greatsword - Mace Q and Greatsword Q does similar things. Mace E for knockback stun. Greatsword E for iframe or quick burst damage.

Basic skill layout (again, deviate from this depending on preference or situation):
>Something that does good single target damage (Shadowbolt, Chaos Volley) or does AOE damage (Void, Ice Nova)
>Something defensive (frontal shields like Ward of the Damned are usually good for pve, whereas T-poses are usually for pvp)
>Merciless Charge or Chaos Barrage for ult